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Extension as a cluster-level product

As a full example of an Extension as cluster-level product, let's start with the definition of product.ts config:

// ./index.ts
import { importTypes } from '@rancher/auto-import';
import { IPlugin } from '@shell/core/types';
import extensionRouting from './routing/extension-routing';

// Init the package
export default function(plugin: IPlugin) {
// Auto-import model, detail, edit from the folders

// Provide extension metadata from package.json
// it will grab information such as `name` and `description`
plugin.metadata = require('./package.json');

// Load a product

// Add Vue Routes

The product.ts config will then define the product and which "pages/views" we want to add, such as:

// ./product.ts
import { IPlugin } from '@shell/core/types';

export function init($plugin: IPlugin, store: any) {
const YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME = 'clusterLevelProduct';
const CUSTOM_PAGE_NAME = 'page1';

const {
} = $plugin.DSL(store, YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME);

// registering a cluster-level product
icon: 'gear',
inStore: 'cluster', // this is what defines the extension as a cluster-level product
weight: 100,
to: {
name: `c-cluster-${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }-${ CUSTOM_PAGE_NAME }`,
params: { product: YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }

// defining a k8s resource as page
configureType(YOUR_K8S_RESOURCE_NAME, {
displayName: 'some-custom-name-you-wish-to-assign-to-this-resource',
isCreatable: true,
isEditable: true,
isRemovable: true,
showAge: true,
showState: true,
canYaml: true,
customRoute: {
name: `c-cluster-${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }-resource`,
params: {

// creating a custom page
labelKey: 'some.translation.key',
route: {
name: `c-cluster-${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }-${ CUSTOM_PAGE_NAME }`,
params: { product: YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }

// registering the defined pages as side-menu entries

In the example above, we are registering 2 pages: a resource page called YOUR_K8S_RESOURCE_NAME and a custom page called CUSTOM_PAGE_NAME. These need to be reflected in the routes definition that is provided to the addRoutes method.

Note: For more information on routing for a Top-level-product, check here

The /routing/extension-routing.ts would then be defined like:

// ./routing/extension-routing.ts
import ListResource from '@shell/pages/c/_cluster/_product/_resource/index.vue';
import CreateResource from '@shell/pages/c/_cluster/_product/_resource/create.vue';
import ViewResource from '@shell/pages/c/_cluster/_product/_resource/_id.vue';
import ViewNamespacedResource from '@shell/pages/c/_cluster/_product/_resource/_namespace/_id.vue';
import MyCustomPage from '../pages/myCustomPage.vue';

// to achieve naming consistency throughout the extension
// we recommend this to be defined on a config file and exported
// so that the developer can import it wherever it needs to be used
const YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME = 'clusterLevelProduct';
const CUSTOM_PAGE_NAME = 'page1';

const routes = [
// this covers the "custom page"
name: `c-cluster-${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }-${ CUSTOM_PAGE_NAME }`,
path: `/c/:cluster/${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }/${ CUSTOM_PAGE_NAME }`,
component: MyCustomPage,
meta: { product: YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME },
// the following routes cover the "resource page"
// registering routes for list/edit/create views
name: `c-cluster-${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }-resource`,
path: `/c/:cluster/${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }/:resource`,
component: ListResource,
meta: { product: YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME },
name: `c-cluster-${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }-resource-create`,
path: `/c/:cluster/${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }/:resource/create`,
component: CreateResource,
meta: { product: YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME },
name: `c-cluster-${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }-resource-id`,
path: `/c/:cluster/${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }/:resource/:id`,
component: ViewResource,
meta: { product: YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME },
name: `c-cluster-${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }-resource-namespace-id`,
path: `/:cluster/${ YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME }/:resource/:namespace/:id`,
component: ViewNamespacedResource,
meta: { product: YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME },

export default routes;

Note: Comparing with a Top-level product, we can see that the routes definition in product.ts and /routing/extension-routing.ts don't have the notion of a BLANK CLUSTER. This is on purpose, because a Cluster-level product needs the context of cluster where it's running when compared with a Top-level product, which is "above" all clusters.

A full working example of this code, which can be deployed as an Extension on you Rancher Dashboard, can be found on the Rancher examples repo. Just follow the instructions described on the README on how to add the repo to Rancher Dasboard.