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Publishing an Extension

There are currently two options for building and publishing a extensions:

  1. Building the Helm charts and necessary assets of an extension that can be committed into a Github or Helm repository.
  2. Building an Extension Catalog Image that can be pushed or mirrored into a container registry.

As discussed in the Getting Started section, we have established a workflow using Github reusable workflows, that automatically handles the build and publication of both the Helm charts and ECI into the Extension's GitHub repository. However, this workflow can be omitted for a more hands-on approach to publishing Extensions.

Note: An explanation on the workflow files can be found in the Additional Release Configuration section.

Publish Script Usage


Usage: yarn publish-pkgs [<options>] [plugins]
-s <repo> Specify destination GitHub repository (org/name) - defaults to the git origin
-b <branch> Specify destination GitHub branch
-t <tag> Specify the Github release tag to build when a release has been tagged and published
-f Force building the chart even if it already exists
-c Build as a container image rather than publishing to Github
-p Push container images on build
-r <name> Specify destination container registry for built images
-o <name> Specify destination container registry organization for built images
-i <prefix> Specify prefix for the built container image (default: 'ui-extension-')
-l Specify Podman container build

Manually Publishing the Extension Helm Charts

Note: Currently, we only support publishing Extension Helm charts into a public Github repository, if you inted to deploy an extension from a private repository/registry, we recommend utilizing the Extension Catalog Image method.

Building the Extension into Helm charts with the necessary assets can be accomplished with the publish-pkgs script declared in the extension's package.json. Running this script will bundle each extension package as a node.js app, create Helm charts with metadata needed by the ui-plugin-operator, and a Helm repo index to populate the Extension marketplace for installation.

After the Helm assets have been built, you will need to commit them into a publicly accessible Github repository. This repository will then need to be added into the Cluster Repositories list within a Rancher instance, that will then populate the Extension marketplace with the charts built from the previous step.


Note: This has been tested on Linux and MacOS machines

This method requires a few tools to be installed:

Running the Publish Script

To start the build, run the publish-pkgs script with two options:

-s<repository>Specifies the destination GitHub repository (org/name) - defaults to the git origin
-b<branch>Specifies destination GitHub branch - defaults to main


yarn publish-pkgs -s "my-organization/my-extension-repo" -b "production"

After running the script, a number of directories will be created:

  • assets - Contains the packaged Extension charts for each package from ./charts/* (e.g. ./assets/my-pkg/my-pkg-0.1.0.tgz), used by the index.yaml to obtain the Chart info.
  • charts - The Extension Charts, includes the Chart.yaml and values.yaml among other files.
  • extensions - Contains the minified javascript bundle for the node.js app, targeted by the .spec.plugin.endpoint which is used by the ui-plugin-operator to load and cache the minified javascript.
  • index.yaml - The Helm repo index file used by Helm to gather Chart information - this contains the urls property that targets the assets/* for each package.
  • tmp - Contains all of the directories and index.yaml mentioned which allows for simple aggregation when pushing charts to a repository.

These files will need to be pushed into a publically available Github repository, for example:

git add ./tmp/*
git commit -m 'Adding extension charts'
git push origin production

Once the files are accessible on Github, add the repository within the Rancher "local" cluster - The charts will then be available on the Extensions page, under the "Available" tab.

Manually Publishing an Extension Catalog Image

Publishing an ECI into the registry of your choice can also be accomplished with the publish-pkgs script declared in the extension's package.json. This script will build a Docker image for each extension package, as well as a Helm chart that can be used to deploy the images. Given the option, the script can automatically push the built images and chart into a specified registry.


Publishing an ECI has a few requirements, namely:

  • The Extension needs to be bundled into the ECI
  • A registry to house the ECI
  • Access to this registry within the Cluster

This method also requires a few tools to be installed:

Running the Publish Script

You can simply run the publish-pkgs script with three options:

-cspecifies the container build
-r<registry>specifies the registry where the image will be housed
-o<organization>specifies the organization namespace for the registry


yarn publish-pkgs -c -r <REGISTRY> -o <ORGANIZATION>

Running any of the commands above will only build your images - in order to publish the images to your registry you must either push them manually or use the script with the `-p`` option. This will automatically push your images to the designated registry.

yarn publish-pkgs -c -p -r <REGISTRY> -o <ORGANIZATION>

Additional Release Configuration

Depending on your use case, there are multiple options on building and creating releases. When building an extension within a Github repository, you have the option of utilizing an action that triggers prebuilt workflows. When added to your extension, the ./github/workflows directory will contain the files: build-extension-charts.yml and build-extension-catalog.yml. These workflows accomplish two seperate actions:

  • build-extension-charts - Builds the Helm charts and necessary assets that are then published to the specified branch (defaults to gh-pages).
    • The versioning of these builds is determined by the Extension Package version property found in ./pkg/<package-name>/package.json
    • Find the resuable workflow file here
  • build-extension-catalog - Builds and publishes the Extension Catalog Image (ECI) into the specified registry (defaults to, for use with private repositories or air-gapped builds.
    • An ECI contains the Helm charts and assets within the image, and is determined by the main Extension version property found in ./package.json
    • Find the reusable workflow file here

By default, both of these actions are triggered by pushing into the main branch. This may not be your disired flow, and so you can modify the workflow file to fit your needs.

Note: Addition configuration information on the workflows can be found in the Workflow Configuration section.

Note: For more information on events that trigger workflows, follow the Github Documentation.

GitLab Integration

When building an extension that will be housed in a GitLab repository or hosted environment, there is only one option for publishing automatically - That is by utilizing the provided GitLab Pipeline CI file that is generated when creating the skeleton app.

This pipeline will build an ECI and publish it to container registry ( by default) to allow for importing into Rancher Manager. The actual pipeline jobs are defined in the Dashboard repo to allow for proper versioning and to apply any updates to the pipeline without any additional work from the Extension developer.

Pipeline Configuration

There are a few pipeline configuration options, mostly tied to the container registry:

REGISTRY$CI_REGISTRYThe Container Registry address where the ECI will be published.
REGISTRY_USER$CI_REGISTRY_USERThe username to push the ECI to the Container Registry.
REGISTRY_PASSWORD$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORDThe password to push the ECI to the Container Registry.
IMAGE_NAMESPACE$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE/$CI_PROJECT_NAMERefers to the unique location within the Container Registry to store the ECI.

WARNING: The default values for this configuration will only be available if the Container Registry is enabled for the project.

Note: You can find a list of the Predefined Variables in the GitLab Documentation, this is where the default values used above can be found.

Sequence of Events

The Pipeline will run automatically when a change to the root level package.json has been detected, which will first trigger the check_version stage to check for any version collisions within the specified Container Registry. If this stage is successful, the stage build_catalog will then build and release the ECI to the Container Registry.

Once the ECI has been published to the Container Registry, it can then be imported into the Rancher UI by following the steps in the Importing section.

Triggering a Github Workflow on Tagged Release

The workflow build-extension-charts will create tagged releases whenever a build is published, this is accomplished by the helm/chart-releaser-action. Instead of having the workflow run before a release is tagged, you can modify the workflow file to be triggered by a tagged release. This allows you to push code to the main branch and create pre-releases without worrying about the automated builds kicking off.


When creating a Tagged Release, the tag name MUST match the proper Extension name depending on the type of build. As it was mentioned above, the Extension Charts (published in the specified branch) and ECI (published in the specified registry) are determined by different versions.

Proper Tagged Release naming scheme:

  • Extension Charts: The name MUST match the Extension Package name (determined by the package directory name) followed by the version.
    • For example: my-extension-package-0.1.1
  • Extension Catalog Image: The name MUST match the main Extension name (determined by the name property in ./package.json) followed by the version
    • For example: my-extension-0.1.0

Workflow Configuration

To configure the workflows you will need to modify two sections, namely the on stanza and the with property in both jobs.

Adding the Tagged Release event:

types: [released]

Note: A release event has multiple types to specify, released will cause the workflow to only be triggered when a release is published and not considered a pre-release. More info can be found in the Github documentation.

Modify the with property with the tag

With a release event type configured, you will need to modify the with property within each of the workflow jobs by adding the environment variable tagged_release: ${{ github.ref_name }}:

tagged_release: ${{ github.ref_name }}

This will provide the publish-pkgs script within the resuable workflow with the released tag name and ensure only the specified build is accomplished.

Extension Charts Workflow Example

An example of modifying the build-extensions.yml workflow file to build when a tag is released:

# .github/workflows/build-extension-charts.yml
name: Build and Release Extension Charts

types: [released]
target_branch: gh-pages
tagged_release: ${{ github.ref_name }}

Extension Catalog Image Workflow Example

The same steps apply for the build-extension-catalog job as ${{ github.ref_name }} will use the commit ref name, the release tag in this case, which triggered the action:

# .github/workflows/build-extension-catalog.yml
name: Build and release Extension Catalog Image to registry

types: [released]


registry_user: ${{ }}
tagged_release: ${{ github.ref_name }}

Sequence of Events

Once the modifications have been made to the workflow files, all that is required for a build to be initiated is to create a Release tag with the desired extension to be built. This will then trigger both of the workflows, the parse-ext-name script will determine if the provided tag name matches either the main Extension name or one of the Extension packages names.

If the Tagged Release does not match the main Extension name, the ECI build will be canceled. Alternatively, if the Tagged Release name does not match an Extension package name, it will be skipped.