Follow this guide to have an auto-deployed cluster via rke2/k3s and managed by Rancher with the only help of an Elemental Teal iso
What is Elemental Teal ?
Elemental Teal is the combination of "SLE Micro for Rancher" with the Rancher Elemental stack
SLE Micro for Rancher is a containerized and "stripped to the bones" operating system layer. It only requires grub2, dracut, a kernel, and systemd.
Its sole purpose is to run Kubernetes (k3s or RKE2), with everything controlled through Rancher Manager.
Elemental Teal is built in the openSUSE Build Service and available through the openSUSE Registry
What is the Rancher Elemental Stack ?
The Elemental Stack consists of some packages on top of SLE Micro for Rancher
- elemental-toolkit - includes a set of OS utilities to enable OS management via containers. Includes dracut modules, bootloader configuration, cloud-init style configuration services, etc.
- elemental-operator - this connects to Rancher Manager and handles machineRegistration and machineInventory CRDs
- elemental-register - this registers machines via machineRegistrations and installs them via elemental-cli
- elemental-cli - this installs any elemental-toolkit based derivative. Basically an installer based on our A/B install and upgrade system
- rancher-system-agent - runs on the installed system and gets instructions ("Plans") from Rancher Manager what to install and run on the system
- A Rancher server (2.6.9) configured (server-url set)
- To configure the Rancher server-url please check the Rancher docs
- A machine (bare metal or virtualized) with TPM 2.0
- Hint 1: Libvirt allows setting virtual TPMs for virtual machines example here
- Hint 2: You can enable TPM emulation on bare metal machines missing the TPM 2.0 module example here
- Helm Package Manager (https://helm.sh/)
- Docker (for iso manipulation)
Preparing the cluster
is the management endpoint, running the management
cluster and taking care of creating inventories, registrations for machines and much more.
We will use the Helm package manager to install the elemental-operator chart into our cluster
helm upgrade --create-namespace -n cattle-elemental-system --install elemental-operator oci://registry.opensuse.org/isv/rancher/elemental/stable/charts/elemental/elemental-operator
There is a few options that can be set in the chart install but that is out of scope for this document. You can see all the values on the chart values.yaml
Now after a few seconds you should see the operator pod appear on the cattle-elemental-system
kubectl get pods -n cattle-elemental-systemNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEelemental-operator-64f88fc695-b8qhn 1/1 Running 0 16s
Prepare your kubernetes resources
Node deployment starts with a MachineRegistration
, identifying a set of machines sharing the same configuration (disk drives, network, etc.)
Then it continues with having a Cluster resource that uses a MachineInventorySelectorTemplate
to know which machines are for that cluster.
This selector is a simple matcher based on labels set in the MachineInventory
, so if your selector is matching the cluster-id
key with a value myId
and your MachineInventory
has that same key with that value, it will match and be bootstrapped as part of the cluster.
- Manually creating the resource yamls
- Using quickstart files from Elemental repo directly
You will need to create the following files.
apiVersion: elemental.cattle.io/v1beta1kind: MachineInventorySelectorTemplatemetadata: name: my-machine-selector namespace: fleet-defaultspec: template: spec: selector: matchExpressions: - key: location operator: In values: [ 'europe' ]
As you can see this is a very simple selector that checks the key node-location
for the value europe
kind: ClusterapiVersion: provisioning.cattle.io/v1metadata: name: my-cluster namespace: fleet-defaultspec: rkeConfig: machinePools: - controlPlaneRole: true etcdRole: true machineConfigRef: apiVersion: elemental.cattle.io/v1beta1 kind: MachineInventorySelectorTemplate name: my-machine-selector name: pool1 quantity: 1 unhealthyNodeTimeout: 0s workerRole: true kubernetesVersion: v1.23.7+k3s1
As you can see we are setting that our machineConfigRef
is of Kind MachineInventorySelectorTemplate
with the name my-machine-selector
, which matches the selector we created.
apiVersion: elemental.cattle.io/v1beta1kind: MachineRegistrationmetadata: name: my-nodes namespace: fleet-defaultspec: config: cloud-config: users: - name: root passwd: root elemental: install: reboot: true device: /dev/sda debug: true machineName: my-machine machineInventoryLabels: location: "europe" manufacturer: "${System Information/Manufacturer}" productName: "${System Information/Product Name}" serialNumber: "${System Information/Serial Number}" machineUUID: "${System Information/UUID}"
This creates a MachineRegistration
which will provide a unique URL which we will use with elemental-register
to register
the node during installation, so the operator can create a MachineInventory
which will be using to bootstrap the node.
See that we set the label that match our selector here already, although it can always be added later to the MachineInventory
Make sure to modify the registration.yaml above to set the proper install device to point to a valid device based on your node configuration(i.e. /dev/sda, /dev/vda, /dev/nvme0, etc...)
Now that we have all the configuration to create the proper resources in Kubernetes just apply them
kubectl apply -f selector.yaml kubectl apply -f cluster.yaml kubectl apply -f registration.yaml
You can directly apply the quickstart example resource files from the Elemental repository
This assumes that your Node will have a /dev/sda
disk available as that is the default device selected in those files.
If your node doesnt have that device you will have to manually create the registration.yaml file or download the one from the repo and modify before applying
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/elemental/main/examples/quickstart/selector.yamlkubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/elemental/main/examples/quickstart/cluster.yamlkubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/elemental/main/examples/quickstart/registration.yaml
Preparing the iso
Now this is the last step, we need to prepare an Elemental Teal iso that includes the initial registration config, so it can be auto registered, installed and fully deployed as part of our cluster. The contents of the file are nothing more than the registration url that the node needs to register and the proper server certificate, so it can connect securely. This iso then can be used to provision an infinite number of machines
Now, our MachineRegistration
provides the needed config in its resource as part of its Status.RegistrationURL
so we can use that url to obtain the proper yaml needed for the iso.
- One liner
- Full explanation
wget --no-check-certificate `kubectl get machineregistration -n fleet-default my-nodes -o jsonpath="{.status.registrationURL}"` -O initial-registration.yaml
This will download the proper yaml from the registration URL and store it on the current directory under the initial-registration.yaml
First we need to obtain the RegistrationURL
that was generated for our MachineRegistration
$ kubectl get machineregistration -n fleet-default my-test-registration -o jsonpath="{.status.registrationURL}"
As you can see we obtained the proper initial registration needed by elemental-register
to register the node properly and continue with the automated installation
Then we need to visit that URL as that will provide the URL and CA certificate for unauthenticated requests:
$ curl --insecure registration: url: ca-cert: |- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBqDCCAU2gAwIBAgIBADAKBggqhkjOPQQDAjA7MRwwGgYDVQQKExNkeW5hbWlj bGlzdGVuZXItb3JnMRswGQYDVQQDExJkeW5hbWljbGlzdGVuZXItY2EwHhcNMjIw ODA0MTA1OTE1WhcNMzIwODAxMTA1OTE1WjA7MRwwGgYDVQQKExNkeW5hbWljbGlz dGVuZXItb3JnMRswGQYDVQQDExJkeW5hbWljbGlzdGVuZXItY2EwWTATBgcqhkjO PQIBBggqhkjOPQMBBwNCAASa8PJH7JJGT5QUPMBYnJe0j50G7dTEaDlk4xRpqVk1 y4dloslsI0RTb6B++7nNgnLPOe2KqZfylNmVIAelrSaUo0IwQDAOBgNVHQ8BAf8E BAMCAqQwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUxp8OBfjZlnyV6pzzKqIF wWByvCYwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIDSQAwRgIhAPI2XUWcnxkkBe98SGPFa1Hlncyu/FCR AbEYIAdUC2z+AiEA+GizukSRiiLV28wdNdKihEELy+qzi5MlVYowUuQYZsA= -----END CERTIFICATE-----
As you can see we obtained the proper initial registration needed by elemental-register
to register the node properly and continue with the automated installation
Now we can write down the data returned for that url into a file that we will inject into the iso
Now we can proceed to create the ISO
- Via script
We provide a ISO build script for ease of use that can get the final ISO and inject the initial-registration.yaml
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/elemental/main/.github/elemental-iso-add-registration && chmod +x elemental-iso-add-registration
Now that we have the script we can proceed to download the ISO and inject our configuration injected:
./elemental-iso-add-registration initial-registration.yaml
This will generate an ISO on the current directory with the name elemental-teal-<ARCH>.iso
The script uses the iso for the arch based on the system is being run from. If you want to cross build for another system,
you can set the ARCH
environment variable to the desired target system (x86_64, aarch64) and the iso will be built for that architecture.
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/elemental/main/.github/elemental-iso-build && chmod +x elemental-iso-build
Now that we have the script we can proceed to build the ISO with our configuration injected:
./elemental-iso-build initial-registration.yaml
This will generate an ISO on the current directory with the name elemental-<timestamp>.iso
You can now boot your nodes with this ISO, and they will:
- Boot from the ISO
- Register with the registrationURL given and create a per-machine
- Install Elemental Teal to the given device
- Restart
- Auto-deploy the cluster via k3s
After a few minutes your new cluster will be fully provisioned!!
How can I choose the kubernetes version and deployer for the cluster?
In your cluster.yaml file there is a key in the Spec
called kubernetesVersion
. That sets the version and deployer that will be used for the cluster,
for example for rke v1.23.6
while for rke2 would be v1.23.6+rke2r1
and for k3s v1.23.6+k3s1
To see all compatible versions check the Rancher Support Matrix PDF for rke/rke2/k3s versions and their components.
You can also check our Version doc to know how to obtain those versions.
Check our Cluster Spec page for more info about the Cluster
How can I follow what is going on behind the scenes?
You should be able to follow along what the machine is doing via:
- During ISO boot:
- ssh into the machine (user/pass: root/ros):
- running
journalctl -f -t elemental
will show you the output of the elemental-register and the elemental install
- running
- ssh into the machine (user/pass: root/ros):
- Once the system is installed:
- On the Rancher UI ->
Cluster Management
you should see your new cluster and be able to see theProvisioning Log
in the cluster details - ssh into the machine (user/pass: Whatever your configured on the registration.yaml under
):- running
journalctl -f -u elemental-system-agent
will show the output of the initial elemental config and install ofrancher-system-agent
- running
journalctl -f -u rancher-system-agent
will show the output of the boostrap of cluster components like k3s - running
journalctl -f -u k3s
will show the logs of the k3s deployment
- running
- On the Rancher UI ->