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MachineRegistration reference

The MachineRegistration resource is the responsible of defining a machine registration end point. Once created it generates a registration URL used by nodes to register so they are inventoried.

There are several keys that can be configured under a MachineRegistration resource spec.

There are several keys that can be configured under a MachineRegistration resource spec.

apiVersion: MachineRegistrationmetadata:  name: my-nodes  namespace: fleet-defaultspec:  machineName: name  machineInventoryLabels:    label: value  machineInventoryAnnotations:    annotation: value  config:    cloud-config:        ...    elemental:        registration:            ...        install:            ...

Contains the cloud-configuration to be injected in the node. See the Cloud Config Reference for full information.


Contains the configuration used for the connection and the initial registration to the Elemental Operator.

Supports the following values:

KeyTypeDefault valueDescription
urlstringemptyURL to connect to the Elemental Operator
ca-certstringemptyCA to validate the certificate provided by the server at 'url' (required if the certificate is not signed by a public CA)
emulate-tpmboolfalsethis will use software emulation of the TPM (required for hosts without TPM hardware)
emulated-tpm-seedint641fixed seed to use with 'emulate-tpm': use for debug purposes only
no-smbiosboolfalsewhether SMBIOS data should be sent to the Elemental Operator (see the SMBIOS reference for more information)


Contains the installation configuration that would be applied via operator-register when booted from an ISO and passed to elemental-cli install

Supports the following values:

KeyTypeDefault valueDescription
firmwarestringefiFirmware to install ('efi' or 'bios')
devicestringemptyDevice to install the system to
no-formatboolfalseDon’t format disks. It is implied that COS_STATE, COS_RECOVERY, COS_PERSISTENT, COS_OEM partitions are already existing on the target disk
config-urlslistemptyCloud-init config files locations
isostringemptyPerforms an installation from the ISO url instead of the running ISO
system-uristringemptySets the system image source and its type (e.g. '') instead of using the running ISO
debugboolfalseEnable debug output
ttystringemptyAdd named tty to grub
poweroffboolfalseShutdown the system after install
rebootboolfalseReboot the system after install
eject-cdboolfalseTry to eject the cd on reboot

In case of using both iso and system-uri the iso value takes precedence

The only required value for a successful installation is the device key as we need a target disk to install to. The rest of the parameters are all optional.

apiVersion: MachineRegistrationmetadata:  name: my-nodes  namespace: fleet-defaultspec:  config:    elemental:      install:        device: /dev/sda        debug: true        reboot: true        eject-cd: true        system-uri:


This refers to the name that will be set to the node and the kubernetes resources that require a hostname (rke2 deployed pods for example, they use the node hostname as part of the pod names) String type.


When elemental:registration:no-smbios is set to false (default), machineName is interpolated with SMBIOS data which allows you to store hardware information. See our SMBIOS docs for more information. If no machineName is specified, a default one in the form m-$UUID will be set. The UUID will be retrieved from the SMBIOS data if available, otherwise a random UUID will be generated.

apiVersion: MachineRegistrationmetadata:  name: my-nodes  namespace: fleet-defaultspec:  machineName: hostname-test-4


Labels that will be set to the MachineInventory that is created from this MachineRegistration Key: value type. These labels will be used to establish a selection criteria in MachineInventorySelectorTemplate.


When elemental:registration:no-smbios is set to false (default), Labels are interpolated with SMBIOS data. This allows to store hardware information in custom labels. See our SMBIOS docs for more information.

apiVersion: MachineRegistrationmetadata:  name: my-nodes  namespace: fleet-defaultspec:  machineInventoryLabels: europe 32 "${System Information/Manufacturer}" "${System Information/Product Name}" "${System Information/Serial Number}" "${System Information/UUID}"


Annotations that will be set to the MachineInventory that is created from this MachineRegistration Key: value type

apiVersion: MachineRegistrationmetadata:  name: my-nodes  namespace: fleet-defaultspec:  machineInventoryAnnotations:    owner: bob    version: 1.0.0