Cluster API AWS Infrastructure Provider

Installing the AWS provider

Refer to the Cluster API book for configuring AWS credentials and setting up the AWS infrastructure provider.

The next step is to run the clusterctl init command (make sure to provide valid AWS Credential using the AWS_B64ENCODED_CREDENTIALS environment variable):

CAPRKE2 can also be deployed with clusterctl

clusterctl init --bootstrap rke2 --control-plane rke2 --infrastructure aws

Create a workload cluster

Before creating a workload clusters, it is required to build an AMI for the RKE2 version that is going to be installed on the cluster. You can follow the steps in the image-builder README to build the AMI.

You will need to set the following environment variables:

export RKE2_VERSION=v1.30.2+rke2r1
export AWS_NODE_MACHINE_TYPE=t3a.large
export AWS_SSH_KEY_NAME="aws-ssh-key"
export AWS_REGION="aws-region"
export AWS_AMI_ID="ami-id"

Now, we can generate the YAML files from the templates using clusterctl generate yaml command:

clusterctl generate cluster --from -n example-aws rke2-aws > aws-rke2-clusterctl.yaml

After examining the result YAML file, you can apply to the management cluster using :

kubectl apply -f aws-rke2-clusterctl.yaml

Checking the workload cluster

After a while you should be able to check functionality of the workload cluster using clusterctl:

clusterctl describe cluster -n example-aws rke2-aws

and once the cluster is provisioned, it should look similar to the following:

NAME                                                          READY  SEVERITY  REASON  SINCE  MESSAGE
Cluster/rke2-aws                                              True                     16m
├─ClusterInfrastructure - AWSCluster/rke2-aws                 True                     25m
├─ControlPlane - RKE2ControlPlane/rke2-aws-control-plane      True                     16m
│ └─3 Machines...                                             True                     19m    See rke2-aws-control-plane-8wsfm, rke2-aws-control-plane-qgwr7, ...
  └─MachineDeployment/rke2-aws-md-0                           True                     18m
    └─2 Machines...                                           True                     19m    See rke2-aws-md-0-6d47bf584d-g2ljz, rke2-aws-md-0-6d47bf584d-m9z8h

Ignition based bootstrap

Note: ignition template is currently outdated.

Make sure that BootstrapFormatIgnition feature gate is enable for CAPA manager, you can do it by changing flag in the CAPA manager deployment:

- args:
  - --feature-gates=EKS=true,EKSEnableIAM=false,EKSAllowAddRoles=false,EKSFargate=false,MachinePool=false,EventBridgeInstanceState=false,AutoControllerIdentityCreator=true,BootstrapFormatIgnition=true,ExternalResourceGC=false
  name: manager

or by setting the following environment variable before installing CAPA with clusterctl:


For the Ignition based bootstrap, you will also need to set the following environment variables:


Now you can generate manifests from the cluster template:

clusterctl generate cluster --from -n example-aws rke2-aws > aws-rke2-clusterctl.yaml