Node Registration Methods

The provider supports multiple methods for registering a new node into the cluster.


The method to use is specified on the RKEControlPlane within the spec. If no method is supplied then the default method of internal-first will be used.

You cannot change the registration method after creation.

An example of using a different method:

kind: RKE2ControlPlane
  name: test1-control-plane
  namespace: default
    version: v1.26.4+rke2r1
    kind: DockerMachineTemplate
    name: controlplane
  nodeDrainTimeout: 2m
  replicas: 3
    cni: calico
  registrationMethod: "address"
  registrationAddress: ""

Registration Methods


For each CAPI Machine that is used for the control plane, we take the internal ip address from Machine.status.addresses if it exists. If there is no internal ip for a machine then we will use an external address instead. For the ip address found for a machine then we add it to RKEControlPlane.status.availableServerIPs.

The first IP address listed in RKEControlPlane.status.availableServerIPs is then used for the join.


For each CAPI Machine that is used for the control plane, we take the internal ip address from Machine.status.addresses if it exists and then we add it to RKEControlPlane.status.availableServerIPs.

The first IP address listed in RKEControlPlane.status.availableServerIPs is then used for the join.


For each CAPI Machine that is used for the control plane, we take the external ip address from Machine.status.addresses if it exists and then we add it to RKEControlPlane.status.availableServerIPs.

The first IP address listed in RKEControlPlane.status.availableServerIPs is then used for the join.


For this method you must supply an address in the control plane spec (i.e. RKE2ControlPlane.spec.registrationAddress). This address is then used for the join.

With this method its expected that you have a load balancer / VIP solution sitting in front of all the control plane machines and all the join requests will be routed via this.