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Directory Structure

The directory structure is mostly flat, with each top level directory being for a different important thing (or just required by Nuxt to be there). Plugin file structure should be largely the same.


Uncompiled assets, eg .scss files.


Components in the chart folder are used to add custom UI to a helm install flow. The dashboard will look up a custom chart component for a given helm chart by checking two annotations: '' if set, otherwise ''.


Cloud credentials are components that add provider-specific UI to create cloud credentials, needed to provision clusters. Read more about provisioning here.


This is specific to extensions. Product definitions should be added directly under the config folder (as opposed to being nested in shell/config/product). See Defining Products for more information.


Components in the dialog folder are used within the PromptModal component. Dispatch the promptModal action from the dashboard store to open a modal. This action takes a few props:

resourcesArray or ObjectOptional - Any resource(s) relevant to the custom modal component
componentPropsObjectOptional - additional props to pass to the custom modal component
componentStringOptional- the name of the custom modal component
modalWidthString CSS PropertyDesired width of the modal (default 600px)
modalStickyBooleanWhether or not to apply sticky positioning (default false)


This is not a top-level folder in the shell, which uses /components/formatter, but a top-level formatters directory works the same way in an extension as the shell formatter directory does. Formatters are used to format data within tables. see Defining Products for more information on configuring resource tables.


Machine configs are used to add provider-specific UI to the rke2/k3s provisioning page. Read more about provisioning here

detail, edit, and list**

detail, edit, and list folders are used to create custom CRUD views for kubernetes resources, and components in each should be given the same name as the targeted resource. Read about how to leverage them in detail here


Kubernetes resources loaded through the dashboard store are, by default, instances of the resource class found here: plugins/dashboard-store/resource-class.js. Add a file with the name of the resource to the models directory to expand on that functionality. Generally, models should be an extension of the Steve class (Norman resources should not, but they are primarly used around auth functionality):

import SteveModel from '@shell/plugins/steve/steve-class';

export default class <resource name> extends SteveModel {

Some common model properties to overwrite are:

  • availableActions: list of resource actions that appear in kebab menus (include/alter default actions with _availableActions)
  • canDelete: whether or not the current user should be able to delete a resource
  • detailLocation: route for the detail view of one instance of the resource

Overlapping Model Names

It's possible that different products will use the same kubernetes resource, but need to add different model functionality (eg Harvester has a 'node' model). Files in a extension's models folder will overwrite any files in the shell/models directory across the application. To extend or overwrite model functionality for a given store, nest models within a subfolder with the same name as the vuex module's namespace. see Extensions Configuration for more information on configuring an extension store.


Components in the PromptRemove folder are used to customize the removal prompt for specific resource types. Components added to this folder should have the same file name as the resource they're intended for. These components do not control the actual removal action - they are intended to allow the developer to supply additional information about consequences of removing a given resource, eg the Global Role removal prompt warns how many users are bound to that role.


Extension translation strings are merged with those already present in shell/assets/translations. Translation strings with duplicate keys of those present in the relevant shell translation file will overwrite those shell translation strings across the app: be mindful if adding translation strings that are not explicitly scoped to your extension. Read more about translations here


Components in this folder can be used within WindowManager component, which relies on the wm vuex store.

The rest

The rest of the top level directories are mostly Nuxt directories that you can read about here.

*not automatically imported with extensions

** components in these directories need particular names to work: either the relevant k8s resource or cloud provider