Built with Elemental

Linux derivatives built with Elemental

Here is a not-exhaustive lists of derivatives built with Elemental.

Run by Rancher

HarvesterOpen source hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) softwarehttps://github.com/harvester/harvester
ElementalImmutable Linux distribution built to run Rancher and its corresponding Kubernetes distributions RKE2 and k3s.https://github.com/rancher/elemental

Run by Community

The following derivatives are not run by Rancher, but are community efforts. Open up an issue or create a PR to get yours added to the list!

KairosImmutable OS for Automated (Decentralized) Kubernetes clusters with k3s, for homelab and beyondhttps://github.com/kairos-io/kairos

Last modified December 12, 2022: More documentation (#1671) (70cd8135f)