
Installing Elemental or a derivative locally

Elemental (or any Elemental derivative built with elemental-toolkit) can be installed with elemental install:

elemental install [options] <device>
–cloud-init stringCloud-init config file
–cosignEnable cosign verification (requires images with signatures)
–cosign-key stringSets the URL of the public key to be used by cosign validation
–eject-cdTry to eject the cd on reboot, only valid if booting from iso
–firmware stringFirmware to install for (’esp’ or ‘bios’) (default “efi”)
–forceForce install
–helphelp for install
–iso stringPerforms an installation from the ISO url
–no-formatDon’t format disks. It is implied that COS_STATE, COS_RECOVERY, COS_PERSISTENT, COS_OEM are already existing
–verifyEnable mtree checksum verification (requires images manifests generated with mtree separately)
–part-table stringPartition table type to use (default “gpt”)
–poweroffShutdown the system after install
–rebootReboot the system after install
–recovery-system.uri stringSets the recovery image source and its type (e.g. ‘’)
–system.uri stringSets the system image source and its type (e.g. ‘’)
–strictEnable strict check of hooks (They need to exit with 0)
–tty stringAdd named tty to grub

Custom OEM configuration

During installation it can be specified a cloud-init config file, that will be installed and persist in the system after installation:

elemental install --cloud-init [url|path] <device>

Custom partitioning

When installing it’s possible to specify a custom partition sizes via the configuration file (/etc/elemental/config.yaml by default).

       # All sizes are in MiB
       size: 8192
       size: 4096
       size: 64
       # zero size tells parted to use all the available
       # disk, note this is only functional for the last partition
       size: 0

Refer to the config file docs for further details about all partitioning options.

In order to create additional partitions please consider the layout section on cloud-init config file reference

Installation from 3rd party LiveCD or rescue mediums

The installer can be used to perform installations also from outside the Elemental or standard derivative ISOs.

For instance, it is possible to install Elemental (or any derivative) with the installer from another bootable medium, or a rescue mode which is booting from RAM, given there is enough free RAM available.

With Docker

If in the rescue system, or LiveCD you have docker available, it can be used to perform an installation

docker run --privileged -v /dev/:/dev/ -ti install --system.uri $IMAGE $DEVICE

Where $IMAGE is the container image that we want to install (e.g. ), elemental identifies the type of source by the URI scheme (docker, channel, dir or file). $DEVICE is the device where to perform the installation to (e.g. /dev/sda).

Note, we used the image which contains the latest stable installer and the dependencies. You can see all the versions at GitHub Container Registry.

By using manually the Elemental installer

Similarly, the same mechanism can be used without docker. Install elemental using the Download guide and run the follow as root:

elemental install --system.uri $IMAGE $DEVICE

Last modified August 31, 2023: More documentation work (#1819) (2360815df)