
How to deploy derivatives images from Elemental vanilla images

Elemental vanilla images, like ISOs, cloud images or raw disks can be used to deploy another derivative image.

elemental reset

elemental reset can be used to reset the system from the recovery image or from a custom image. Vanilla images only include a minimal recovery partition and system.

It can be either invoked manually with elemental reset --system.uri <img-ref> or used in conjuction with a cloud-init configuration, for example consider the following cloud-init configuration file that creates the state and persistent partitions during first boot (this is required on Elemental vanilla images):

name: "Default deployment"
     - name: "Repart image"
         # It will partition a device including the given filesystem label or part label (filesystem label matches first)
           label: COS_RECOVERY
           - fsLabel: COS_STATE
             # 10Gb for COS_STATE, so the disk should have at least 16Gb
             size: 10240
             pLabel: state
           - fsLabel: COS_PERSISTENT
             # unset size or 0 size means all available space
             pLabel: persistent
     - if: '[ -f "/run/cos/recovery_mode" ]'
       name: "Deploy Elemental system"
         - |
             # Use `elemental reset --system.uri docker:<img-ref>` to deploy a custom image
             # By default the recovery Elemental gets deployed
             elemental reset --reboot --system.uri docker:$IMAGE             

The following will first repartition the image after the rootfs stage and will run elemental reset when booting into recovery mode. RAW vanilla disk images automatically boot by default into recovery, so the first thing upon booting is deploying the system

Last modified June 6, 2022: Update cOS references (#1480) (7dd6c5241)