Embedded configuration
Extracting default system configuration
Elemental-toolkit provides some default configuration files for the following components:
- Dracut
- Cloud init files
- Boot assessment
These configuration files can be installed into a Derivative using the elemental init
The init
-command should be used inside the Dockerfile as in the following example:
# run `make build` to build local/elemental-toolkit image
ARG TOOLKIT_REPO=local/elemental-toolkit
ARG OS_IMAGE=registry.opensuse.org/opensuse/tumbleweed
# OS base image of our choice
# Install kernel, systemd, dracut, grub2 and other required tools
RUN ARCH=$(uname -m); \
if [[ "${ARCH}" != "riscv64" ]]; then \
ADD_PKGS+=" shim"; \
[[ "${ARCH}" == "aarch64" ]] && ARCH="arm64"; \
fi; \
zypper --non-interactive removerepo repo-update || true; \
zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys install --no-recommends -- \
kernel-default \
device-mapper \
dracut \
grub2 \
grub2-${ARCH}-efi \
haveged \
systemd \
NetworkManager \
openssh-server \
openssh-clients \
timezone \
parted \
e2fsprogs \
dosfstools \
mtools \
xorriso \
findutils \
gptfdisk \
rsync \
squashfs \
lvm2 \
tar \
gzip \
vim \
which \
less \
sudo \
curl \
sed \
iproute2 \
podman \
audit \
patterns-microos-selinux \
btrfsprogs \
btrfsmaintenance \
snapper \
xterm-resize \
${ADD_PKGS} && \
zypper clean --all
# Just add the elemental cli
COPY --from=toolkit /usr/bin/elemental /usr/bin/elemental
# Enable essential services
RUN systemctl enable NetworkManager.service && \
systemctl enable sshd.service
# Workaround to make sure there are no pending sysusers to be created (boo#1231244)
RUN systemd-sysusers
# This is for automatic testing purposes, do not do this in production.
RUN echo "PermitRootLogin yes" > /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/rootlogin.conf
# SELinux in enforce mode
#RUN sed -i "s|SELINUX=.*|SELINUX=enforcing|g" /etc/selinux/config
# Add default snapshotter setup
ADD snapshotter.yaml /etc/elemental/config.d/snapshotter.yaml
# Add specific Grub bootargs for RISC-V
ADD riscv_bootargs.cfg /tmp/riscv_bootargs.cfg
RUN ARCH=$(uname -m); \
[[ "${ARCH}" == "riscv64" ]] && mv -f /tmp/riscv_bootargs.cfg /etc/elemental/bootargs.cfg || true
# Generate initrd with required elemental services
RUN ARCH=$(uname -m); \
# We want to keep the default features for x86_64 to test them
if [[ "${ARCH}" != "x86_64" ]]; then \
# riscv64 needs a specific Grub configuration and arm64 needs some specific firmwares
FEATURES="autologin boot-assessment cloud-config-defaults cloud-config-essentials dracut-config elemental-rootfs elemental-setup elemental-sysroot grub-config"; \
[[ "${ARCH}" == "aarch64" ]] && FEATURES+=" arm-firmware grub-default-bootargs"; \
fi; \
elemental --debug init --force ${FEATURES}
# Update os-release file with some metadata
RUN echo IMAGE_REPO=\"${REPO}\" >> /etc/os-release && \
echo IMAGE_TAG=\"${VERSION}\" >> /etc/os-release && \
echo IMAGE=\"${REPO}:${VERSION}\" >> /etc/os-release && \
echo TIMESTAMP="`date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`" >> /etc/os-release && \
echo GRUB_ENTRY_NAME=\"Elemental\" >> /etc/os-release
# Good for validation after the build
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
The current features available for the init
-command is:
- elemental-rootfs: dracut configuration for mounting the immutable root filesystem.
- grub-config: grub configuration for booting the derivative.
- grub-default-bootargs: default boot arguments used for booting the derivative.
- elemental-setup: services used for booting the system and running cloud-init files at boot/install/upgrade.
- dracut-config: default dracut configuration for generating an initrd.
- cloud-config-defaults: optional default settings for a derivative.
- cloud-config-essentials: essential cloud-init files.
- boot-assessment: add boot assessment logic during install and upgrades.
- autologin: automatically login to the booted system as root.
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Last modified April 30, 2024: Update embedded features docs (786cfa636)