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Table Columns

Table Columns are added to Rancher via the addTableColumn method.


(Rancher version v2.7.2)

IMPORTANT NOTE: on Rancher version v2.8.0 we've introduced breaking changes to the behaviour of this extension enhancement (Table Columns). Previously, you would target the resource name of the table you were trying to extend, which was different from the usage of the LocationConfig object in any of the other extension enhancements available. With these new changes, the LocationConfig object will be used to target a specific page that contains a table and add it to that particular one, therefore having a better control of the new table column appearance.

This method adds a table column to a ResourceTable element-based table on the UI.


plugin.addTableColumn(where: String, when: LocationConfig, options: Object);


where string parameter admissable values for this method:

TableColumnLocation.RESOURCEStringLocation for a table column on a Resource List View page

when Object admissable values:

LocationConfig as described above for the LocationConfig object.

TableColumnLocation.RESOURCE options

Table Col

options config object. Admissable parameters for the options with 'TableColumnLocation.RESOURCE' are:

nameStringLabel for column
labelKeyStringSame as "name" but allows for translation. Will superseed "name"
valueStringObject property to obtain the value from
getValueFuctionSame as "value", but it can be a function. Will superseed "value"
widthIntColumn width (in px). Optional
sortArrayObject properties to be bound to the table sorting. Optional
searchArrayObject properties to be bound to the table search. Optional

Usage example for 'TableColumnLocation.RESOURCE':

{ resource: ['configmap'] },
name: 'some-prop-col',
labelKey: 'generic.comingSoon',
getValue: (row: any) => {
return `${ }-DEMO-COL-STRING-ADDED!`;
width: 100,
sort: ['stateSort', 'nameSort'],
search: ['stateSort', 'nameSort'],