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A product is a top-level view in Rancher. A product typically adds a navigation entry into the top-level slide-in menu in Rancher. When the user navigates to the link, the product renders the entire view beneath the header bar.

Products typically declare their navigation such that it is presented on the left-hand side, e.g.

Registering a Product

Defining a product leverages the addProduct extension method, which should be defined on the index.ts on your root folder:

import { IPlugin } from '@shell/core/types';

// Init the package
export default function(plugin: IPlugin) {
// ....

// ... provide metadata

// Load a product

The addProduct method registers a module which will be invoked by Rancher at the appropriate point in its lifecycle to create the product.

You can register more than one product in an extension.

Product Definition

The module registered via addProduct must export an init method. This is invoked with two parameters;

  • The $plugin API
  • The VueX store

Creating a product

An example init function for creating a new product is shown below:

import { IPlugin } from '@shell/core/types';

export function init($plugin: IPlugin, store: any) {
const YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME = 'myProductName';

const { product } = $plugin.DSL(store, YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME);

icon: 'gear',
inStore: 'management',
weight: 100,
to: // this will the route path that will be your entry point for this product

The function product comes from $plugin.DSL will add your extension to the top-level slide-in menu.

Note: plugin.DSL is called with the store and your product name and returns a number of functions to add and configure products and navigation. The example above shows the use of the product function

The allowed parameters for the product function are:

iconStringicon name (based on rancher icons)
svgModuleSVG icon (alernative to above). Typically use the require method with a path of an SVG file
inStoreStringWhich store should the product be registered on. Use management for a top-level product and cluster for a cluster-level product
weightIntSide menu ordering (bigger number on top)
toVue Router route configRoute to where the click on the product top-level menu should lead to