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Rancher uses dynamic components in the Dashboard UI. Extensions can register components for Rancher to discover and use. Components are Vue components and similar to panels, but are used in a single specific context.

Components are added to Rancher via the register method.


This method registers a component.


plugin.register(type: String, id: String, component: Function);


typeStringType of the component to register (indicates where the component is used)
idStringUnique id for the component
componentFunctionVue Component

Component Types

The Rancher Dashboard provides the following standard component types:

detailDetail component for a given resource type
editEdit/Create/View component for a given resource type
listList component for a given resource type
cloud-credentialCloud credentials are components that add provider-specific UI to create cloud credentials, needed to provision clusters
machine-configMachine configs components are used to add provider-specific UI to the rke2/k3s provisioning page